So, you’ve tried to cut down or give up the drink already, right?

But something happened, you had a wobble mid-way – and your good intentions were washed down with a glass of Pinot Grigio? (Don’t worry, you’re not alone!)

Either way, you know one thing for sure – you’re sick and tired of the booze controlling you!   “I’ll just have the one!”  
“It’s been a really bad day!” “It’ll relax me!” “It’s the weekend!” 

“I DESERVE IT!”    But the problem is, you know that one usually leads to too many…  


And you’re fed up of…           

  • Drinking too much
  • Getting rubbish sleep 
  • Waking up with brain fog
  • Feeling hungover                
  • Having no energy                
  • Being snappy and irritable
  • Feeling low and anxious
  • Beating yourself up because you’ve let yourself down…AGAIN.    

But it doesn’t have to be like this!    

You don’t have to reach for a glass of vino EVERY time you’ve had a stressful day

What if, you could get a great nights’ sleep and wake up every single day feeling… refreshed alive & energised?

What if, you could end each day, in control – (knowing you’ve not touched a drop) and have a sense of… clarity achievement and pride?

What if, I told you I know you can do it, because I was just like you (drinking all the wine, all the time!) and I did it?! I’m sober. And it feels AMAZING! So, are you ready to try a new way? A new lifestyle? A new you? What if I told you this was all possible for the cost of just 2 bottles of wine a week? Would you want to find out more? YES!

It’s time to turn Self-Loathing into SELF-LOVE… It’s time to turn Wine-o-Clock into Feeling-Fine-o-Clock! It’s time to get some Sober Goals™

Sober Goals is a brand new programme that will get you from ‘stuck’ to ‘rebalanced’ and enjoying a sober life. With my support and coaching, you’ll discover how to:

  • Stop being STUCK

  • OBSERVE your behaviours

  • Make BOLD decisions

  • ENGAGE in positive action

  • REBALANCE your life

The programme will take you through the sober process

Daily videos, activities and journal prompts cover…

  • Alcohol Industry, Marketing and Drinking Culture – how this impacts you

  • Building & Maintaining Motivation – your whys and what motivates you

  • Cravings & Urges – taking control of your life.

  • Turn your wine-time into ME-TIME!

  • Sleep, Energy & Exercise – giving it your best

  • Socialising Sober & Impact on Friendships/Relationships

  • Anxiety & Mental Health – how alcohol is a cause not a cure

  • Benefits of Changing versus Risks of Staying the Same

  • Your Goals, Visions & Dreams – it’s your future & your LIFE – make it what you want it to be

The door to a Happier, Brighter, Fresher YOU is OPEN NOW!

Are you ready to stop being stuck in the cycle of drinking?

virtual classroom

5 ***** Star Review

"Thank you Claire, Today I am 22 days alcohol free and I feel amazing. My sleep is much better and I am loving waking feeling fresher in the morning. I haven't had to cancel a day full of meetings since being sober (I feel ashamed to think I've done that before) I am loosing weight without doing anymore activity. I am more tolerant of my gorgeous boys and I am not grinding my teeth anymore. I can't believe how awful alcohol made me feel, and I really can't believe how good I feel right now. Your online tutorials are fab and your regular videos on the Facebook page keep me motivated. Thank you for your support and the wonderful difference you have made in my life."


6 weeks access to the programme

  • Unlimited access to the Sober Goals online self development programme jam packed with tutorials, coaching sessions, videos, activities and journal prompts.

  • Work on your mindset- welcome your cravings they will help you to uncover your beliefs around alcohol this is the first step towards lasting change.

  • SOBER Goals Accountability sheet – a great visual reminder to keep you on track, fill your time with something that will help you to reach your sober goal and celebrate your successes!

  • Optional access to Facebook Group for peer support and more encouragement from those who are embracing sober life! You are not alone.


That's just £2.35 per day! Yep, that’s less than the cost of a glass of wine, right?

Crazy! Oooh and just think how much you’ll SAVE by not drinking ALL the wine for 6 weeks! You’ll be richer, as well as sober and happier by the end of the programme.

Still need more reasons to do it?

Here’s a few…

  • Sleep like a baby

  • Get oodles of energy

  • Feel more positive

  • Stop wasting money on booze

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Make new sober friends

  • Take back control of your life!

“I’ve been alcohol free for almost 8 weeks and I feel amazing. I’d never thought about giving up alcohol and wanted to try for 28 days, I felt so good after 28 days I just kept going. I don’t think I would have done it without the programme. My life has changed so much since quitting - I see everything more clearly. I’ve lost weight, saved money and I’ve had loads more fun with my kids. Thank you Claire, you’ve helped me get my life back on track❤️.” Samantha


“Hello, I’m Claire. And I’m The Soberholic.”



Before my sober days, I was drinking to excess, then beating myself up about it. It was impacting every aspect of my life – work, health, relationships – all of it.


Now, I’m loving life, like never before – I’m happier, healthier – I’m so much more than sober – I’m more alive, more engaged, more active, more self-aware, more passionate, more fun, more ME…more EVERYTHING!


I think everyone deserves to feel this AMAZING!  So, I’m on a mission to help YOU take a break from the booze and hopefully quit it all together! 


With my help, support and positive encouragement I want you to find a new zest for life – like I have!